Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Jack Dorsey-Backed Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund Supports Open Source Developers in Lawsuit With Craig Wright

Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund (BLDF) recently delivered on its promise to fund the legal costs of 11 Bitcoin developers that are the target of the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright’s lawsuit. According to Alex Morcos, einschließlich des Erwerbs von Bitcoin oder Bitcoin-Mining-Maschinen. “mission [of BLDF] is to

Binance bringt das etherbasierte Liquid Staking-Produkt WBETH auf den Markt, um konkurrierende Liquid Staking-Konkurrenten zu konkurrieren

In an announcement made on April 24, Binance, the cryptocurrency exchange with the largest trade volume, unveiled its latest staking product, wrapped beacon eth (WBETH). This new addition to Binances staking solutions is built on the Ethereum network, joining the ranks

Brazil and China Deepen Trade Integration to Move Away From US Dollar, as First Yuan-Based Settlement Is Processed

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Alleged Kenyan Bill Proposes Widening Definition of Securities to Include Crypto Assets

A bill seeking to put blockchain and crypto assets under the purview of the Kenyan Capital Markets Authority is supposedly set to be debated in the country’s parliament. The bill also seeks towiden the meaning of ‘securitiesto capture digital

Prüfbericht: Verhaftung der ägyptischen Polizei 29 Mutmaßliche Drahtzieher des Krypto-Mining-App-Betrugs

Berichten zufolge hat die ägyptische Polizei kürzlich Festnahmen vorgenommen 29 Personen, die mit dem Betrug mit der Kryptowährungs-Mining-App Hoggpool in Verbindung stehen. Zusätzlich zum Ergreifen 95 Mobiltelefone und 3,367 SIM-Karten, Die Polizei gab an, dass inländische und ausländische Währungen geschätzt werden $194,000 war…

„Fiat ist zerbrechlich“ – Der Zusammenbruch der Silicon Valley Bank löst Schuldzuweisungen und Bedenken hinsichtlich einer Ansteckung aus

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) ist in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit gerückt, nachdem sein Zusammenbruch die USA dazu veranlasste,. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) die Bank am Freitag zu schließen. Es war das größte US-Unternehmen. Bankpleite seitdem 2008, und verschiedene angebliche Katalysatoren…

Ebb and Flow of Stablecoin Economy Continues With BUSD’s Market Cap Dropping Below $10 Billion Range

The realm of stablecoins is an ever-evolving landscape and the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD has fallen below the 10 billion mark to approximately 9.68 billion on March 3, 2023. In den letzten 30 Tage, BUSD’s token

Prüfbericht: FTX Promised High Earnings to African Students That Successfully Recruited Fellow Learners

The collapsed crypto exchange FTX reportedly used the lure of high earnings to convince African university students to become its ambassadors. In addition to encouraging new FTX investors to use the platform, student ambassadors were also required to teach them about

Charlie Munger von Berkshire findet es „lächerlich“, dass jeder Krypto kaufen würde – „Es ist ein absoluter Horror“

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man and the vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, says people who oppose banning cryptocurrencies areidiots,” adding that it’S “just ridiculousanybody would buy crypto. Er verglich auch die Ersetzung nationaler Währungen mit der Ersetzung von Luft, das aussagen…